A downloadable game for Windows

This is a demo of a game concept created from scratch, work is still in progress

Akash(space), Vayu(air), Jal(water), Agni(fire) and Bhoomi(Earth), these are the Panch Mahabhoot or the classical elements. The project started with the zeal to explore Indian themes and contexts. The classical elements, according to Indian philosophy, play a major role in creation of the universe and sustenance of the human body. Another concept used in the game is Sarira Traya or the Doctrine of the Three bodies. Using all such concepts, the project evolved to a post apocalyptic world where the souls are stuck in the meta-physical space. The player, an alien arriving on this planet to gather resources and knowledge,  get stuck in this space. He/she frees the stuck souls and himself/herself using the power of the Panch Mahabhoot. The game is a first person, open world game with 3D platforming and puzzle-solving elements with light combat.

The player has the following controls

  • WASD keyboard keys for movement of the player
  • Mouse Movement for 360 degree view of the world around the player
  • E keyboard key to heal the enemy NPC
  • P keyboard key to pause the gameplay
  • Left mouse button click to interact with the game menu options



Install instructions

Click on the 'Download all files' button on the right hand corner of the download link page

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